About Us

Mindfulness Auckland - Nadav Avny
Nadav Avny Clinical Psychologist - Photo

Nadav Avny

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

New Zealand Psychologists Board #90-04410
UK Council for Psychotherapy Registered Psychotherapist (UKCP reg.) #07159199
EMDRNZ Accredited Practitioner
Certified Teacher and Approved Supervisor of Mindfulness Based Programmes  (MTI-ANZ)

Mindfulness Training Institute: Australia & New Zealand

Director – Mindfulness Auckland

My clinical psychology training was psychodynamic. I later also completed training in Integrative Psychotherapy (focusing on Gestalt and Existential Psychotherapy), and I am a UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) registered psychotherapist since 2007. I also use EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for alleviating distress associated with trauma, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in my clinical work. I provide psychological therapy to individuals, families and groups, and supervision to clinicians and teams.

I see private clients at my Safe Therapy Space Clinic.

Mindfulness became part of my life in 1995 when I attended a ten-day silent Vipassana (by Goenka) meditation retreat at Dharmsala, India. In the following few years, I completed another residential retreat in India and 30 days mindfulness course in Nepal.

During the ten years I worked at the Adult Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit at Auckland City Hospital, I initiated and led a mindfulness project that involved the sustainable implementation of Mindfulness at ADHB Mental Health Services.  This system and mindfulness implementation successfully continued after my departure and is still running.

In 2016 I received the ADHB Allied Health Scientific and Technical Award for the Mental Health Directorate. The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme that I facilitate for staff was a Finalist in the ADHB Health Excellence Awards.

I supervised staff who completed the MBSR programme at ADHB with me and continued to train as Mindfulness Based Programme teachers, and I supported establishing the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for clients at ADHB Mental Health Services.

I am a Certified Teacher and approved supervisor of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

I am Co-Director of the Mindfulness Training Institute: Australia & New Zealand (MTI). This internationally recognised not-for-profit organisation trains and certifies MBSR and MBCT teachers in our part of the world (https://www.mtia.org.au).

Most importantly in my life, I am the father of a wonderful 18-year-old young woman.